Facts & Figures - Check it easy

Facts and Figures

57% of employers say the leading benefit of background checks is better quality of hire.


85% of employers report finding misrepresentations on a resume or job application.


77% of employers say background screening uncovered issues that wouldn’t have been caught otherwise.


According to a study by the Human Resources consultancy Randstad entitled “Annual trends in salaries, benefits and workplaces 2014”, 75% of respondents mention reference checking as a standard practice in the hiring process of their company, obtaining the first place in this question


Experts warn that six out of 10 employers have rejected a candidate for a bad job reference.


Companies that invest in the candidate’s experience improve the quality of new hires by 70%.


Time savings: up to 40% on administrative tasks. The tool works for you allowing you to automate tasks and be more efficient.


62% see the ease of the application process as an important part of going for a new job. 88% would be more likely to encourage others to apply for a job with the same company.


96% of employers conduct at least one type of background screening.” The research confirmed that background checks are a standard part of the hiring process in the U.S.


  • 93% Database/national criminal
  • 97% County/statewide criminal searches
  • 78% Fingerprint based criminal
  • 87% Social Security number trace
  • 87% Credit/financial
  • 75% Education verification
  • 68% Motor vehicle driving records
  • 82% Drug and alcohol testing
  • 89% Sex offender registry
  • 76% Professional license verification
  • 83% International checks
    • Only 4 % reported that they do not conduct employment background checks. Of those in this category, 29% said that cost is the motivating factor in skipping background checks, 27% couldn’t give a reason.


      • 89%protecting their employees, customers and others>
      • 52% Improving the quality of hires
      • 45% Protecting the company’s reputation
      • 44% Complying with laws or regulations
      • 86% wait until after the job interview, including 55% that put it off even longer and only perform the check after a conditional job offer is made.
      • 57% only perform them during hiring.

      The Wall Street Journal said that 34% of all application forms contain outright lies about experience, education and the ability to perform essential functions of the job. (Source: The Cedalius Group)


      College and University registrar’s report that at least 60% of the verifications they receive contain falsified information. (Source: The Cedalius Group)


      11% of job applicants misrepresented why they left a former employer. (Source: Hubspot)


      It has been estimated that resume fraud costs employers approximately $ 600 billion annually. (Source: The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners)


      A third of the job prospects exaggerated their accomplished, and another third fudged on their employment chronologies. (Source: CorraGroup)


      53% of all job applications contain inaccurate information. (Source: Society of Human Resources Management)


      In a survey conducted by CareerBuilder.com, 49% of the 3,100 hiring managers surveyed had caught a job applicant fabricating some part of his/her resume. (Source: CareerBuilder)


      9% of job applicants falsely claimed they had a college degree, listed false employers, or identified jobs that didn’t exist. (Source: Hubspot)


      Nearly one-third of job applications listed dates of employment that were inaccurate by more than three months. (Source: Background Profiles)


      According to a recent study, 67% of job applications and resumes in the U.S. contain misrepresentations. (Source: American Psychological Association)


      Nearly half – 46% – of more than 1,000 workers and 300 senior managers reported they knew job applicants who misrepresented themselves and included false information on a resume. (Source: Office Team A Robert Half Company)


      Sixteen percent of executive resumes contain false academic claims and/or material omissions relating to educational experience. (Source: Business Week)


      Fraud and abuse costs U.S. organizations more than $400 billion annually. (Source: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners)


      The average organization loses more than $9 per day per employee to fraud and abuse. (Source: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners)


      The average organization loses about 6% of its total annual revenue to fraud and abuse committed by its own employees. (Source: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners)


      Losses caused by managers are four times those caused by employees. (Source: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners)


      Median losses caused by executives are 16 times those of their employees. (Source: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners)


      The most costly abuses occur in organizations with less than 100 employees. (Source: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners)


      The highest media losses occur in the real estate financing sector. (Source: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners)


      Occupational fraud cases caused a total loss of more than $6.3 billion and the median loss from a single case of occupational fraud was $150,000. (Source: ACFE)


      Employee theft in the United States accounted for 43 percent of lost revenue – about $18 billion. (Source: Global Retail Theft Barometer)


      65 million people in the United States – more than one in four adults – are estimated to have criminal records. (Source: NELP)


      Nearly 80% of the workforce admit they would or at least would consider stealing from their employers. (Source: Awareness Technologies)


      Employee theft costs businesses between $60 and $120 Billion, annually. (Source: CNBC)


      In 2007, one in every 28.2 employees was apprehended for theft from their employer. (Source: Jack Hayes International, Inc., 2007)


      The FBI calls employee theft the fastest growing crime in America. 55% of perpetrators of employee theft are managers. ( Source: American Society of Employers)


      • 14.7% of all applicants admit to theft of merchandise from an employer. (Source: Trak-1)
      • 4.4% of all applicants admit to theft of cash from an employer. (Source: Trak-1)
      • 95% of all companies are victims of theft, and yet only 10% ever discover it. (Source: Trak-1)

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